Download Hall Tickets of APPSC Group-II Services Recruitment 2016-17
APPSC Group-II Screening Test Hall Tickets 2017: Andhra Pradesh
State Public Service Commission recently released a notification related to
Group-II Recruitment Screening Test. The Screening Test will be conducted for
this APPSC Group-II Recruitment on 26th February 2017. The
candidates who are applied for this Group-II recruitment can download their
Screening Test Hall Tickets from the Official website of APPSC
The Screening Test Hall Ticket links are available from 14th
February 2017. The Applicants can download their Hall Tickets by Log on to the
site with their OTPR numbers. If anyone of the candidates lost their OTPR
details then they can recover their OTPR by entering the basic details. After
logging into the APPSC portal with the OTPR number go through the Hall Tickets
tab to download the respected exam hall tickets. If there is any problem in
downloading their Hall Tickets then the can candidates can send an E-mail to
for fast response and resolution. In this article we provided a simple guide to
download the Screening test hall tickets & How to recover lost OTPR ID. We
hope that the given details are useful to you. If you have any more doubts then
you can leave a comment below the article. We gave response as early as
Download Group-II Hall Tickets:
1. Visit the APPSC website
2. Go through the Download Hall
Tickets link which is given right side (Below)
3. A new page will be opened, in
that click on Existing User button.
4. Enter OTPR ID (User ID),
Password and Captcha Code correctly.
5. Click Login Button.
6. After Logged into the website,
the Home page will be displayed.
7. Once again go through Download Hall Tickets Link.
8. A new window will be opened, click
on the Get Hall Ticket Button.
9. The Hall Ticket will be opened.
(if there is any problem on downloading Hall Tickets then contact them through this
E-mail ID: for fast response).
10. After Downloading the Hall
Ticket, take a printout of it.
How to Recover Lost OTPR ID:
1. Visit the APPSC website
2. Go through the Recover OTPR
tab which on the Menu.
3. A new window will be opened
related to Lost OTPR ID Recovering.
4. Enter OTPR Type (Direct/Departmental),
Date of Birth (DOB), Birth District, Mobile Number and Name correctly. (exact Details
which the candidate submitted at the time registration for OTPR)
5. Click on Search Button.
6. Based on the given details
they will find the records and then display it.
Click here to Download APPSC Group-II Services Screening Test Hall Tickets 2017
Click here to recover lost OTPR ID