Download Final Written Exam Hall Tickets of AP PC (Communications) Recruitment 2016-17 for 494 posts
AP Police Constable (Communications) Final Written Test Hall Tickets:
AP State Police Recruitment Board conducts Police Constable (Communications)
Recruitment 2016-17 for 494 vacancies Final Written Exam on 29th
January 2017. The Hall Tickets for Final Written Exam of this AP Police
Constable (Communications) Recruitment 2016-17 is available in the official
website of AP State Police Recruitment Board
from 19th January 2017. The candidates who are qualified in PMT/PET
& Certificate Verification can download their Final Written Test Hall
Tickets to know about their allotted venue of the exam. This AP Police
Recruitment Notification released in the month of August 2016, the PMT/PET
events were held in 3 locations in the month of November & December 2016.
AP State Police Recruitment Board released the PMT/PET Qualified Candidates
list in the last week of December 2016. Finally the written exam for all the qualified
candidates of PMT/PET & certificate verification will be conducted on 29th
January 2017. So, the qualified candidates download their Final Written Exam
hall Ticket and bring that hall Ticket to attend the written exam. The Hall
Ticket consists of the Date & Time and Venue of the exam.
Download FWT Hall Tickets/Call Letters:
1. Visit Official website of AP
Police Recruitment Board
2. Go through Hall Tickets tab.
3. Click on PC Communications (Men & Women) Link.
4. After that Go through Download
Hall Ticket for Final Written Test link.
5. A new window will be opened
related to Log in Page to download Hall Tickets.
6. Enter Educational
Qualification, Registration Number, SSC or Equivalent Hall Ticket number and
Registered Mobile Number correctly.
7. Finally Click on Submit Button.
8. Final Written Test (FWT) Hall
Ticket/Call Letter of the given details will be displayed.
9. Take a printout of it or Save
Final Written Exam Pattern:
No. of
Max. Marks
Time Duration
Paper-I: Technical Paper (Objective)
(Topics: Electrical, Electronics &
Radio, Basics of Computers and Telephone System)
3 hours
Important Dates:
Final Written Test will be held
on 29th January 2017.
Click here to download AP PC Communications FWT Hall Tickets