FWT Results of AP SI, RSI, Deputy Jailor & Assistant Matron Recruitment 2016-17

AP SI RSI Deputy Jailor & Asst. Matron Final Written Test Results 2017: Andhra Pradesh State Level Police Recruitment Board released results of AP SI RSI Deputy Jailor & Asst. Matron Recruitment Final Written Test on 6th March 2017. The Final Written Exam was held on 18th & 19th February 2017. Preliminary Answer key was released on 20th February 2017 and objections on answer key accepted through mail. AP Police Recruitment Board released the Final Answer key of Paper-III & IV (with some corrections on the preliminary answer key). The candidates who were participated in the final written exam of this recruitment can check their result status. The Scanned Copies of OMR Sheets of all papers of Final Written Exam will be available in the official website from 7th March 2017. The candidates can download their Scanned OMR Sheets from AP State Level Police Recruitment Board website http://recruitment.appolice.gov.in. If anyone of the candidates wants to verify their OMR Sheets for counting then they can apply for OMR Verification on or before 15th March 2017. If there is any improvement in the marks then the Board refunded the fee submitted by the candidate for verification. Download Final Written Exam results of AP SI, RSI, Deputy Jailor and Assistant Matron Recruitment 2016-17 and also download Scanned copies of OMR Sheets.
AP SI RSI Deputy jailor FWT results 2017
Download Final Written Test Results 2017:

1. Visit AP SLPRB website http://recruitment.appolice.gov.in

2. Go through Results tab.

3. Click on SI (Civil), RSI (AR/SAR CPL/APSP), Deputy Jailor & Assistant Matron (Prisons) link.

4. Go through Final Written Test Results link

5. A new window will be opened which is related to Final written test Results.

6. Enter FWT Hall Ticket Number and Registration Number correctly.

7. Click on Submit button.

8. Final Written Test Result Status will be displayed for the Submitted details.

9. Take a Printout of it.

OMR Verification: The candidates who wish to verify their OMR Sheets and Descriptive papers of Final Written Test should follow these steps

Step-1: Pay Rs. 1000/- for each paper in any center of APONLINE.

Step-2: Visit the Website of AP SLPRB http://recruitment.appolice.gov.in and apply for verification in prescribed format on or before 15th March 2017.

Prescribed format for Verification:

Hall Ticket Number
Candidate’s Name
Father’s Name
(E-mail and Phone number on which you want reply, of verification results)

Important Dates: